Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Luma’s secrets to a successful life."

It’s not really a secret actually; it’s more of a way to live except it takes a lot of discipline. So what’s the secret you ask? Well the article ”Work Hard or Work Smart” put it in very simple words; “Work smart, work hard and live strong.” SURPRISE! It’s a combination of both! Exactly how was Luma able to make the Fugees, a group of kids from all kinds of different places the best team of their league? By staying strong all the way through and working both smart and extremely hard against the barrage of issues that her team had. According to the book Coach Luma during the tryouts while watching the kids play soccer she sat on the grass endlessly writing up plays and erasing them and re-writing them yet again, this continuous habit she developed made her work in a strategic way for her upcoming soccer games of the season. So she has already achieved the first basic step of being successful, and so what’s next? Working hard of course; right after tryouts she set down the rules and what she expects from them kids. The expectations were incredibly high though they were achievable and she knew that the kids she was training could follow them. There’s also another thing that she did that assisted her in becoming a coach of the most competitive team and that is that despite having to overcome personal problems in her life, Luma stood her grounds through thick and thin. She showed dedication through her hard work, as she was being strong for the people around her. Overall,  as we can see that with her plays that she made and the practices she set for the kids; Luma and the Fugees came a long way.

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