Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Mr. Everything’s Setback"

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Well to be honest Mom, Dad, and the rest of the world. I simply don’t know. I’ve always been known to be the kid who’s the “All- Around” player, always been average or a bit better then other people in not only in academics but almost every aspect of my life (except in math, the numbers and I just don’t get along.) Don’t believe me? My freshman year in high school I was called “Mr. Everything” by the local newspaper as my old coach said “I can put him in anything and he will swim it, he’s so versatile,” ok it sounds like I’m bragging but there’s a point, I promise! The thing about being “All Around” is that yea you’re average/good at almost everything but of course as someone once said, “ For every action there’s an equal but opposite reaction,” and to me that reaction is that I don’t really excel at one thing. That to me is a big price to pay, especially if you’ve been known to be indecisive to situations like these. Now I’m in college, the place where you really should’ve already narrowed down your choices and either you’ve picked a major or have a gist at least of what you want to do for the rest of your life, the pressure is felt everyday. There is a positive side to all of this mess, as we are almost through with this semester and getting ready to pick classes, I for example can finish all of my graduation requirements and explore possible interests for a career at the same time! 

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